Casual / Friend Group
The Basics
Guild Master:
Discord Invite:
We've been living in the SE Jungle since forever and starting building Pike as soon as we got there and decided on a spot after release. We are very friendly and chill. Pike is not just our town but a neutral and open space for other people and guilds to hang out and put down houses and TC buildings themselves. We don't have big goals or try very hard at anything. We just do what seems fun to us and anyone is really welcome to do what they want (except be an asshole and just kill people - as I said we are very friendly in nature). We don't really have any enemies but good relations to all surrounding guilds. If you like PvE, want to chill, craft and develop your character in peace, without getting ganged all the time, Lakepikes are the right choice. Since we are neutral and friendly, you will probably never find a guild that is getting attacked less than us when we are inside our area (knock on wood).